
Government & Politics

Exam Board: Edexcel

Course Description

A Level Politics aims to develop an informed understanding of the political structures in the UK and USA, showing how they are rooted in political philosophy. Studying this will enable students to develop a critical awareness of changes in politics and the links between ideas, institutions and processes. Students will become aware of the rights and responsibilities of individuals and groups. The assessment is based on examinations at the end of the two years; there is no coursework.  An engagement with current affairs is essential to the success of the A Level.  

Year 12:

  • Term 1 - Component 1: Democracy, Participation Political Parties Electoral Systems and Liberalism Component 2: The constitution Parliament 
  • Term 2 - Component 1: Voting Behaviour, the Media and Conservatism Component 2 Prime Minister and the Executive Relationships between the branches 
  • Term 3 - Component 1: Socialism Component 2: Nationalism  

Year 13: 

  • Term 1 - Component 3: The State and Globalisation and Global Governance: political and economic
  • Term 2 - Component 3: Global Governance: Human rights and environmental, power and development and regionalism and the EU
  • Term 3 - Comparative theories 

At end of each topic in each unit students are assessed using Edexcel examination-style questions and past papers.  

At the end of the two years there are three external examination papers, each two hours long. 

Why study A-Level Politics?

Studying Government and Politics will help you understand who holds power and how governments make decisions. Essentially, it is a subject which is relevant to everyone as it examines issues of social importance – such as health, education, crime, war and peace and the economy.

Government and Politics is also a subject which provokes debate in that there is inevitably disagreement about how to deal with these issues and the challenges they raise.

A-level Government and Politics enables students to develop their critical thinking skills and enhance their ability to interpret, evaluate and comment on the nature of politics. Practically, studying politics will help you develop an informed voice in society and the A Level has been designed to help you understand the significance of current events you see in the news.

Career pathway

Government and Politics is a popular A-level choice which is very well respected by all universities. It complements subjects such as History, English and Philosophy and Ethics and will give you the knowledge and skills necessary for higher education. By end of the course you will learn how to investigate, evaluate data and explain a range of views. Students who specialise in Government and Politics at university can go on to become journalists, political researchers, teachers, Members of Parliament and civil servants.

A Level Resuts 2023

Congratulations to our Year 13 students on achieving

100% A*-C in Governments and Politics


A Level Results 2022

Congratulations to our Year 13 students on another successful year.

Essential reads

Andrew Heywood, Essentials of UK politics

Why We Get the Wrong Politicians - Isabel Hardman