
Year 9

Year 9 is a vital year in our students’ academic journey.  This is an important time for them all, with decisions being made that will affect future career paths, as students will be deciding on the subjects they wish to study for GCSE courses in Year 10 and 11.  As well as preparing for Key Stage 4, this is also a time to utilise the foundation skills gained in previous years and a chance to develop and surpass previous achievements.


During this time, students will be supported by myself, as Achievement Team Leader, and Ms. Ahmed, as Year Care Team for pastoral guidance.  We will work closely with subject teachers, Curriculum Team Leaders, the attendance team, the Senior Leadership Team and the various other members of staff who are available to ensure that all students are able to achieve their full potential on a daily basis.

Furthermore, we have fantastic experience within the Year 9 pastoral team with form tutors taking a proactive approach to supporting students with their learning.  Form Tutors are the first port of call for any issues and will see their tutees first thing in the morning, as well as at the end of the day, allowing them to pick up on challenges our students may be facing.

As our school motto states, we expect students to, ‘be in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing’ and students need to maintain this focus in order to achieve their potential.  It is crucial that students are focused and organised from the start of Year 9 and that they attend school every day.  

Additionally, it is imperative that the School and parent/carer relationship is strong and collaborative. If we are working together we will be able to give our young people the best opportunity to be successful in the future. Parents/Carers are encouraged to look at the School website to stay in touch with schemes of work and sign students’ planners weekly so as to be aware of homework for each subject.

Students will engage in PSCHE lessons during form time and will be expected to discuss topics in a mature and confident manner. These lessons will also help to develop those higher order skills (evaluating and analysing) which will assist students in gaining higher grades when it comes to their future GCSEs.

This year group have demonstrated a mature attitude towards their studies during Year 8 and with continuous hard work and dedication we are confident that they can continue to progress within their studies.  

They are an enthusiastic group of young people who have made a fantastic impression on whoever they come into contact with and we expect these students to make the School, their families and the local community proud.  I am aware of the amazing talent we have in this year group and I look forward to seeing students flourish as individuals.

Please feel free to contact me, via the school office, to discuss your child’s progress.  I look forward to celebrating their future successes.

Miss Malik

Achievement Team Leader for Year 9