

Winter Wonderland Reward Trip

December 12th 2021

One form group from each of Years 7 to 11 was chosen to go to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park as a reward for their form attendance and positive achievement referrals during the Autumn Term.

Year 7

7C were the Year 7 form chosen to visit Winter Wonderland.

Jurede wrote about his enjoyable day: “There was a range of rides, some high, some fast.  I really enjoyed playing tames to win some amazing prizes.  Churros was very popular; I had a waffle which was very nice!”

Ife shared that “It was a very good and fun experience.  I know all of 7C would love to go again.”

“It was nice to know that our achievements were rewarded with this trip, and we will work hard on trying to be the best form again!”

Year 8

Zahra in 8W wrote:

“My form class went on this trip as a reward for the most positives in our year group.  We went by train to reach Winter Wonderland.

The day was really fun.  My friends and I went on a couple of rides together, roamed around finding churros and played a few games, including ring toss, which quite a few people in my class won.  One of the funniest parts was when one of my class mates got stuck in the mirror maze!

I really enjoyed myself, and know the rest of my class did too.”

Year 9

9R were rewarded for their hard work in the Autumn term with this trip. Pupils thoroughly enjoyed the day and were able to visit attractions, explore the site and experience thrilling rides. It was a thoroughly enjoyable experience and we await to see which Year 9 form shall win the rewards competition for the end of Spring Term trip.

Year 10

As a reward for demonstrating hard work over the autumn term, and making excellent progress, thirty students in Year 10 were invited to visit Winter Wonderland on Tuesday 14th December 2021.

Students were able to enjoy their day on rides, playing arcade games and indulging in various Christmas-style food markets.

The students really appreciated that their hard work was rewarded with this fun day out together.

Year 11

Keren in Year 11 wrote:

“On Wednesday 15th December 2021, a group of 17 Warren School students were selected to embark to Winter Wonderland. The trip was a wonderful opportunity to reward us by giving us a break from the hard work and determination we put into our recent mock exams.

On the trip there were a vast number of wonderful attractions to see and delightful rides to enjoy. Additionally, numerous thrilling games and activities were available in which participants had an opportunity to obtain some great prizes!

The overall experience was fun, thrilling and fabulous, as students had a chance to venture about, exploring the winter transformation of Hyde Park. All of us relished the bright lights, thrilling rides, appetising delicacies, amusing and entertaining games and much more!

Towards the end of the trip, a group game and a photo were enjoyed, inclusive of all the students who attended the trip. After the experience was over, we had delightful train journey home, discussing the events of the day.

In conclusion, the trip was a pleasant and rewarding experience that was extremely enjoyable and appreciated.”